Chaetodipus formosus (rodent)
Variant names: Perognathus formosus
Mass: 18.4 g based on Mullen and Chew 1973, Kenagy and Bartholomew 1985, Lawler and Geluso 1986, and Morton et al. 1980
Abundance: 44.12%
Habitats: desert/xeric shrubland (1) only
Found in one sample
United States: Las Vegas Valley
Size measurements:
body mass | 16.22 g | N = 2 | Mullen and Chew 1973 |
body mass | 16.40 g | N = 6 | Mullen and Chew 1973 |
body mass | 16.38 g | N = 7 | Mullen and Chew 1973 |
body mass | 17.29 g | N = 4 | Mullen and Chew 1973 |
body mass | 16.72 g | N = 4 | Mullen and Chew 1973 |
body mass | 19.19 g | N = 6 | Mullen and Chew 1973 |
body mass | 19.23 g | N = 9 | Mullen and Chew 1973 |
body mass | 21.46 g | N = 5 | Mullen and Chew 1973 |
body mass | 16.40 g | N = 6 | Mullen and Chew 1973 |
♂ ear length | 8 mm | N = 1 | Huey 1938 |
♂ hind foot length | 24 mm | N = 1 | Huey 1938 |
♂ skull length | 25.8 mm | N = 1 | Huey 1938 |
♂ tail length | 100 mm | N = 1 | Huey 1938 |
♂ total body length | 181 mm | N = 1 | Huey 1938 |
♂ upper tooth row length | 3.7 mm | N = 1 | Huey 1938 |
♀ body mass | 18.1 g | N = 118 | Kenagy and Bartholomew 1985 |
♂ body mass | 19.1 g | N = 97 | Kenagy and Bartholomew 1985 |
body mass | 17.9 g | N = 6 | Lawler and Geluso 1986 |
body mass | 18.6 g | N = 3 | Morton et al. 1980 |
See also Chaetodipus, Chaetodipus baileyi, Chaetodipus hispidus, Chaetodipus intermedius, Chaetodipus nelsoni, Chaetodipus penicillatus, Chaetodipus sp.