Full citation
L. C. Ellis and D. F. Balph. 1976. Age and seasonal differences in the synthesis and metabolism of testosterone by testicular tissue and pineal HIOMT activity of Uinta ground squirrels. General and Comparative Endocrinology 28(1):42-51 [ER 1355]
Contributed by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 2015-11-02
Samples: none
Size measurements: Spermophilus armatus (body mass 256.21 g), Spermophilus armatus (body mass 312.84 g), Spermophilus armatus (body mass 317.45 g), Spermophilus armatus (body mass 273.24 g), Spermophilus armatus (body mass 369.98 g), Spermophilus armatus (body mass 417.99 g), Spermophilus armatus (body mass 308.03 g)